Anna Ivanina.
Today, the issue of environmental pollution has become widespread. The best way to solve this problem is to sort and dispose of garbage.
Currently, the population faces the following questions: Why do I need to sort garbage? How to sort garbage correctly? Where can I throw out the garbage already divided into categories?
To solve this problem, the government began installing bins for each type of garbage, and some large store chains install bins for collecting various batteries, and distributed by category of garbage. But this did not have the effect that they wanted, because the number of such landfills is catastrophically small, and fines and penalties for improper disposal of garbage do not exist. Because of this, people believe that why sort and properly dispose of garbage, because they will still get nothing for it, so forests, lakes, rivers, fields, steppes will continue to be polluted.
I believe that from childhood it is necessary to cultivate a culture of behavior, careful attitude to nature, cleanliness. When children are told from an early age that littering is bad and talk about sorting waste, then in the future it will become a habit for them, but this applies to the future.
What should I do now? To do this, a program should be developed at the state level, because no community will solve this issue, no matter how many garbage cans it puts up. It is necessary to organize reception points, take out the collected waste to factories for processing.
This work has already begun in the community of Horodnia. A container for plastic bottles is installed in the city. Schools have installed landfills for various categories of garbage. They organize actions to keep the environment clean.

Let’s start each with ourselves. From a small village and town. Let’s save our planet for future generations.
The project is implemented by Chernihiv Polytechnic National University in cooperation with the Human Rights Foundation and the University of Tartu (Estonia).
The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia.