How to deal with laziness during distance learning?

Anastasiya Korytska.

How to deal with laziness? During distance learning and online working, it is very difficult to adjust to work and get out of bed at least earlier. In my opinion, it depends on self-motivation and desire.

You need to answer your questions honestly:

1) Why?

2) For what purpose?

3) What is my incentive?

Motivate yourself, reward yourself with nice things and also do not forget that the best motivation is introspection, rest and creativity! You can use markers, notebooks, colored leaves, interesting pens, bright posters, etc. Remember: we create our own environment, both people and objects.

The project is implemented by Chernihiv Polytechnic National University in cooperation with the Human Rights Foundation and the University of Tartu (Estonia). The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia.







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