Advertising as a driver of stereotyping society

 Svitlana Hrytsai.

My participation in Together we can! Fair Skills Training (Chernihiv, July, 7-10) under moderation of Wiebke Eltze (Cultures Interactive e.V., Germany), Magdalena Swider (The Anti-discrimination Education Society, Poland)  inspired me to think more deeply about the influence of different  forms of written and oral communications on  the perception of different groups on the case of advertising. The nature of advertising is based on its main feature, which facilitates the transmission peculiarity to facilitate transferring information not only about products, goods and services but also the social, economic, political and other types of relationships, including  gender ones that  are usually strongly stereotyped.

Among the images that advertising delivers we can find the ideas that describe what kind of person a man should be and how a woman should look like. It is believed that the most influential ads are commercials, which use images created by involving metaphors, associations and stereotypes. It is important to remember that advertising does not create stereotypes itself it only strengthens them.

Focusing on gender stereotypes of men and women we can see that the stereotypical image of a man is based  on his courage that is expressed in physical strength and stability, career, high social status, availability of expensive car etc. On the other hand, the stereotypical image of a woman is associated with her beauty, tenderness, delicacy, elegance and is shown in her manners, dress and look.

In conclusion I should stress two main negative consequences that advertising imposes:

firstly, advertising displays many stereotypes that do not meet the realities of time;

–  secondly, advertising in social media creates conditions of gender inequality that have negative impact on the perception of a person in community.











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